Thursday, March 18, 2010

Top museum of Fine arts Avoids

Top museum of Fine arts Avoids, in Cordova, Argentina. Continuing for the avenue Yrigoyen it is the one that was the familiar residence of Martín Ferreyra, a wealthy doctor and industrialist of Cordoba who wanted to bring to his city a scrap of Paris. For such an end he entrusted to the Sanson (creative French architects of the mansions of Beautiful Epoque) the construction of his palace, which combines the styles of the Luises, Empire and Regency in almost a building apple.

In his moment Charles Thays was possessing the biggest private garden of the Argentina, designed by the famous paisaj ista. At present, this large house of three apartments is provided with 12 rooms of exhibition that lodge 500 works and treasures of the province, especially of artists of the local impressionism like Fernando Fader, Emilio Caraffa, José Malanca, Octavio Pinto and others near to Cordova. Also it proves to be Sorolla. Picasso and Goya. Also, every month, in the room of the Level 1, an international itinerant sample is exhibited.

Useful information:
Place: Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 511.
Schedules: on Tuesday to Sundays from 10 to 20. Holding a permit visits: on Tuesday to Friday of 10 and 15, (12, in English).
- On Saturdays and Sundays: 11 and 17 hours.

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