Friday, March 19, 2010

Mar del Plata the happy city

After a day of beach, impossible not to do a walk for pedestrian St Martin, principal commercial artery. Symbol of the city, together with the monument to the marine wolves, is complex Big Hotal Provincial and Casino located between the streets The Heras and Rivadavia, which has been declared a National Historical Patrimony. In his interior there works the Theater Provincial Auditorium Centro of the Arts, where there celebrate diverse events, like the delivery of the awards Starfish, dedicated to the Argentine theatrical activity.

On the Square of the Millenium, opposite to the Casino, there is located the Source of Dancing Waters, who in the nights invites to enjoy an amazing show of light and sound. In the Port, the fishermen's banquina, with his coloring crafts, is another typical place and from there it is possible to come walking to the reservation of marine wolves. Ideals both for the evening and for the night, there are the streets Güemes and Alem, which concentrate picturesque restaurants and night clubs, which attract more young people. Also it is possible to find important clothing houses, in addition to the last tendencies of the design.

As for the gastronomy, Mar del Plata offers more than 700 establishments in which the fish and seafood are the star. But the diversion does not end with the arrival of the night. In the avenue Constitution is the traditional discotheques circuit and the best pubs congregate also. This there joins an offer of more than 200 theatrical and musical spectacles in the summer nights, epoch in which the casts most emphasized from the country come to this city, which by all these characteristics is known like The Happy one.
With this attractions fan, Mar del Plata invites to live through a summer that, like footsteps in the fresh sand of his coasts, it will leave unforgettable traces.

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