Monday, March 15, 2010

The Holiday of the Lemon in Chin, Côte d'Azur

In Chin, the lemon is the fruit of the desire. Symbol and emblem of this magician filled with the Côte d'Azur, which rubs the border with Italy, this one citric has chosen the singular microclimate of the French Southeast to grow in abundance and to flood with his aroma all the corners. To these latitudes, every February nearly 200 thousand tourists arrive to pay tribute to him in one of the most singular and attractive celebrations of Europe: the Holiday of the Lemon.

The leitmotiv, this time, will be a: "Chin, the whole spectacle”, that it will give cause for the parades of the magnificent figures and chariots decorated with the round fruit like protagonist. To his step, they will infect to the rejoicing presents, in time of the music of different types of bands and folk local sets.

During the nights, there are realized amazing parades in which the splendid spectacle that means to see the illuminated chariots is crowned with a multicolored explosion of fireworks, games of light and sound. But there is more for the lovers of the acidic elixir, because in this experience also it is possible to enjoy the exhibition of the widest variety of lemons of the world, to taste delicacies prepared with them and to know all the secrets and peculiarities of his cultivation.

Also, and in parallel, there takes forward a festival of orchids and a fair of crafts, the perfect complement that assures more dose of aromas, colors and textures to fifteen holidays through that they live in this beautiful locality washed by the Mediterranean.


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