Friday, March 19, 2010

Mar del Plata the happy city

After a day of beach, impossible not to do a walk for pedestrian St Martin, principal commercial artery. Symbol of the city, together with the monument to the marine wolves, is complex Big Hotal Provincial and Casino located between the streets The Heras and Rivadavia, which has been declared a National Historical Patrimony. In his interior there works the Theater Provincial Auditorium Centro of the Arts, where there celebrate diverse events, like the delivery of the awards Starfish, dedicated to the Argentine theatrical activity.

On the Square of the Millenium, opposite to the Casino, there is located the Source of Dancing Waters, who in the nights invites to enjoy an amazing show of light and sound. In the Port, the fishermen's banquina, with his coloring crafts, is another typical place and from there it is possible to come walking to the reservation of marine wolves. Ideals both for the evening and for the night, there are the streets Güemes and Alem, which concentrate picturesque restaurants and night clubs, which attract more young people. Also it is possible to find important clothing houses, in addition to the last tendencies of the design.

As for the gastronomy, Mar del Plata offers more than 700 establishments in which the fish and seafood are the star. But the diversion does not end with the arrival of the night. In the avenue Constitution is the traditional discotheques circuit and the best pubs congregate also. This there joins an offer of more than 200 theatrical and musical spectacles in the summer nights, epoch in which the casts most emphasized from the country come to this city, which by all these characteristics is known like The Happy one.
With this attractions fan, Mar del Plata invites to live through a summer that, like footsteps in the fresh sand of his coasts, it will leave unforgettable traces.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Detroit and his car museums

Sport, autómoviles and the characteristic sound Motown, there are some of the characteristics for which the people visit Detroit, the biggest and animated city of Michigan. Detroit was known like Engine Town due to his big concentration of factories of motorcars, an industrial muscle that in spite of the enormous crisis in the sector keeps on providing name, style and rhythm to the city. Nevertheless, in last two decades, Detroit has turned into a much more healthy and attractive metropolis for the visitor. His new companies, new residential areas, and new artistic and commercial centers have contributed to his renewed optimism.


– although any of his factories organizes tours, the visitor can do an idea of this symbol to himself to his step along Henry J Ford Museum, where it is impossible not to marvel before the extraordinary collection of motorcars, of the 50s, his aerodynamic designs, his colors cake and his majestic dimensions.

– along with this one there finds The Automotive Entrance hall of Fame, museum dedicated in memory of the men and women who dedicated his professional life to the motor-car industry; between them, designers, inventors, educators, journalists and pilots of cars of careers.

– opened in the public also there is the house of Henry Ford, a mansion placed to 15 minutes of the center of the city, in the campus of the University of Míchigan, constructed in 1914, which consists of 56 rooms and its own electrical generator constructed by Thomas Edison.

– to 40 kilometers to the north of the center, given to the university of Oakland, we meet Meadow Brook Entrance hall, the hearth of Matilda Dodge Wilson, the widow of another pioneer of the automotive industry, John Dodge.

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Top museum of Fine arts Avoids

Top museum of Fine arts Avoids, in Cordova, Argentina. Continuing for the avenue Yrigoyen it is the one that was the familiar residence of Martín Ferreyra, a wealthy doctor and industrialist of Cordoba who wanted to bring to his city a scrap of Paris. For such an end he entrusted to the Sanson (creative French architects of the mansions of Beautiful Epoque) the construction of his palace, which combines the styles of the Luises, Empire and Regency in almost a building apple.

In his moment Charles Thays was possessing the biggest private garden of the Argentina, designed by the famous paisaj ista. At present, this large house of three apartments is provided with 12 rooms of exhibition that lodge 500 works and treasures of the province, especially of artists of the local impressionism like Fernando Fader, Emilio Caraffa, José Malanca, Octavio Pinto and others near to Cordova. Also it proves to be Sorolla. Picasso and Goya. Also, every month, in the room of the Level 1, an international itinerant sample is exhibited.

Useful information:
Place: Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 511.
Schedules: on Tuesday to Sundays from 10 to 20. Holding a permit visits: on Tuesday to Friday of 10 and 15, (12, in English).
- On Saturdays and Sundays: 11 and 17 hours.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Tower of the Visco in Teruel

In your visit to the Tower of the Visco in Teruel, you must bear in mind that the same one knows it like: "Our house is completely withdrawn from the world of the hurries” Far from everything and close to one himself. The strongest sound to that one listens sometimes is the beat of the proper heart.

Undoubtedly it is a place to fall in love, but also to eat in splendid form in his restaurant. You must not get lost his breakfasts, not in vain it is one You were laughing and Chateaux. Ideal for: to shut itself up without coverage and to enjoy the hospitality of Gemma and his team.
It is along with the locality deValderrobres, in the municipality of Fuentespalda.


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The Historical Center of the city of Mexico

With sight on the Biggest Temple, the Square of the Constitution and the Cathedral, the patio that this on the Bookstore Porrúa in Republic Argentina of the Historical Center of the Mexico City is indisputably the best place to enjoy one evening. To visit the Historical Center can be oppressive for his extension, his bustle or simply his scope, this patio is an oasis that allows you to contemplate the most impressive buildings of the area in a relaxed ambience.

Placed on the same street of the Museum of San Ildelfonso, the ideal place proves to recharge the forces after visiting any of the museums of the area. There is over a distance caminable of the Antigua Street of mint, of the Museum of the Mexico City, of the Biggest Temple, the Cathedral and the Square of Santo Domingo.

Placed in a third apartment, the tables of this enclosure have enormous white sunshades, wooden apartment and a simple and contemporary decoration. You can enjoy the menu a few cheesecakes of bean with cheese, black mushroom and flower of pumpkin or a few taquitos of shrimp to the chipotle. All the saucers are Mexican with a contemporary twist and they get together perfectly with a glass of wine or a fresh water. The place takes a fancy to happen one evening bottled in a good conversation with friends or exchanging impressions on the newly visited exhibitions. A real find in the Historical Center.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Festival Merida for Haíti

Merida and his Theater under the stars. The architectural treasures of Spain can be covered in almost, all the corners of the country. But in Merida the history can revivirse I am afraid seldom in the life. A privilege: to be able to see Medea de Eurípides and other outstanding figures in the Roman Theater during the Festival of Merida.

This year the town hall of Merida prepares itself to realize the festival “Merida for Haiti”, next March 27 in the IFEME instalacíones. The festival is organized by the Commissions of Tourism, Culture and Celebrations. His earnings will have a cost for 10 euros.

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The Modern Art museum of San Pablo

As the South American city that shelters it, this symbolic Brazilian construction wastes art and feels, intensely, the avant-garde. To cross the door of revenue of the Modern Art museum of San Pablo implies contacting the local artistic creation. The fact is that it has arrived at one of the most ancient and important museums of the country, and also of Latin America, proprietor of a rich collection: it presents more of 5.000 works of more than thousand artists representatives of the modern and contemporary art of the country and the world. By his spaces there appear Anita Malfatti, Alfredo Volpi, Emiliano di Cavalcanti, Picasso, Chagall and It looked, between others.

Located in the big green lung of the capital paulista, the Park do Ibirapuera, was founded on July 15, 1948 by the industrialist Francisco Matarazzo and his wife, Yolanda Pentenado, inspired in the Modern Art museum (MoMA) of New York. The construction and the structure
landscape and architectural they were developed by Oscar Niemeyer and his last reform, in 1995, it was in charge of Malú Pereira of Almeida. In his interior it is provided with a library integrated by more than 65.000 qualifications and, in whole, it rises on an area of 6.000 m2, including the Garden of the Sculptures, the restaurant and the area of exhibition.

The MAM takes as a principal target to spread the art and the culture. That's why, in addition to standing out for the exhibitions that populate his rooms, he has a programming of cultural and educational activities, like a wide courses offer. And every two years, as, it takes forward the Panorama of Brazilian Art, one of the most important and traditional exhibitions of art of the country, which began in 1969. To cover it and to know it thoroughly, it is possible to realize holding a permit visits.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

The Holiday of the Lemon in Chin, Côte d'Azur

In Chin, the lemon is the fruit of the desire. Symbol and emblem of this magician filled with the Côte d'Azur, which rubs the border with Italy, this one citric has chosen the singular microclimate of the French Southeast to grow in abundance and to flood with his aroma all the corners. To these latitudes, every February nearly 200 thousand tourists arrive to pay tribute to him in one of the most singular and attractive celebrations of Europe: the Holiday of the Lemon.

The leitmotiv, this time, will be a: "Chin, the whole spectacle”, that it will give cause for the parades of the magnificent figures and chariots decorated with the round fruit like protagonist. To his step, they will infect to the rejoicing presents, in time of the music of different types of bands and folk local sets.

During the nights, there are realized amazing parades in which the splendid spectacle that means to see the illuminated chariots is crowned with a multicolored explosion of fireworks, games of light and sound. But there is more for the lovers of the acidic elixir, because in this experience also it is possible to enjoy the exhibition of the widest variety of lemons of the world, to taste delicacies prepared with them and to know all the secrets and peculiarities of his cultivation.

Also, and in parallel, there takes forward a festival of orchids and a fair of crafts, the perfect complement that assures more dose of aromas, colors and textures to fifteen holidays through that they live in this beautiful locality washed by the Mediterranean.


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Vallescondido Club of Field, Neuquén

Located on the hillside of the hill Chapelco, in one of the most exclusive places of St Martin of the Andes, province of Neuquén, Argentina, is Vallescondido Club of Field. A new real estate development that is characterized by his privileged place and his excellent panoramic conference. The urban development is placed to six kilometers of the center of the city and at the same distance of the center of ski Chapelco, to which Edge gets connected for an internal way, property of the community mapuche and to which it is possible to gain access thanks to an agreement of exclusivity signed between both parts. Surrounded by the principal attractions that identify St Martin of the Andes: the lake Lácar, the volcano Lanín and the drawstring of the Chapelco.

Vallescondido is located in the only enclave where nature and harmony get together. Between his serviceability, one emphasizes his court of golf of 9 holes; his Club 370 square meters House, the Equestrian Club and an area of sports that includes courts of tennis, soccer and air-conditioned swimming pool. For the future, the emprendimiento projects an impactante hotel de luxe. Developed by Eidico and commercialized by O'Reilly, Toasted and Sanguinetti, this paradise in the mountain is shaped by 364 lots, which divide equally half a hectare each one, and more than fifty per cent of the surface are destined for common spaces.
An excellent opportunity to breathe the pure air and to enjoy the beauty of the Argentine patagonia.


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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Walking along Coral Gables, Miami

To appear between the ten best cities of the United States to live well, is not small thing. That's why, to know Coral Gables is a safe experience. Inside the county of Miami-Dade, to only twenty minutes of his center, this movie place gets up with enormous mansions, big quantity of trees, art galleries, restaurants and shops of the first level.

Between the places that stand out to visit there is Venetian Pool, a swimming pool constructed in 1923 that feeds on waters of an underground aquifer. Also Fairchild Tropical Garden, the golf courses, Matheson Hammock Park, Low Art Museum of the University of Miami and the different art galleries. To realize a tour to contemplate the constructions of the city has no waste.

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Covering the Capri

The Capri is located in the Mediterranean Sea, to the south of Italy. Divided between the cities of Capri and Anacapri – located in his highest part – the island is possessed like unfailing center to the Square by Humberto I, acquaintance as The Piazzetta, with a spectacular panorama of the mount Solaro. In this species of amphitheater, where the Saint's Church Estéfano is shown, with his domes and the ancient belfry of the Tower of the Clock, the bars and restaurants extract his tables outdoors. From here it is possible to contemplate all the alleys and ways, where there are opened the streets Vittorio Emanuelle, Camerelle and Croce replete with sophisticated shops and international marks that seal Capri as capital of the hautecouture.

Opposite course one can continue the track of the labyrinthine medieval callecitas perfectly preserved, where stones fronts, details in iron and the most ancient lanterns decorate the environment. Where it finishes the Route Camerelle there is a short footpath that he leads to Route It will swallow. In addition to elegant restaurants and hotels, they dazzle Town Discopoli, residence of writer Rainer Marra Rilke, and Town Lo Studio frequented by Neruda. To his end, it goes over to a big patio where from the stacks show themselves a spectacular sight. Hence also it is possible to take a narrow way called Pizzolungo, which borders on the coastal line and ends in the Natural Arch.

Close to there is located Grotta di Matermania, a 30 m deep cavity. of length where it is thought that formerly the cults were practised on the god Mitra or on Cibeles, the goddess of the nature. Departing from The Piazzetta also the walker comes across with the Gardens of August, that supports the sumptuous Roman landscaping of the epoch in which Capri was a part of the Empire (about 328 B.C.). Exuberant of flowers, perfumes and vegetation, in these gardens with patios the busts and statues are not missing, and from there there is contemplated, when not, a panorama worthy of postcard, dominated by the mounts Tuoro, Tiberio and San Michele.

The stamp of the Roman emperors survives in his beautiful residences. One of the most imposing is that of Tiberio, Town Jovis, whose remains were excavated between 1800 and 1900 and she is bigger that it is possible to see in the island. Town Damecuta, in Anacapri, is different of the interesting imperial towns of knowing. In the Southwest of the island also yergue the Faro of Top Streamlines, which follows in importance that of Genoa for his light potency.

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Walking along the capital of the art, Paris

To visit the Louvre of Paris is to enter to the most important museum of the world; it is to enter a universe dedicated to wonderful works of art previous to the impressionism. Every year, nearly fifteen million persons travel his galleries, which opened in 1793 and in those who today exhibit 35 thousand pieces, between which The Gioconda stands out, of Leonardo da Vinci. And until January, 2010, in addition to supporting his everlasting collections, the Louvre will give him a special place to paintings of the Venice of the XVIth century, with the sample “Titien, Tintoret, Véronése … Rivalités á Venise”.

To cover the Museum in only one day is perhaps an exploit that few ones can make real. And that of course has not greatly sense. The fact is that to enjoy each of the works that are exhibited, it is necessary to reduce the step and to dedicate time to the contemplation. The Louvre is a proprietor of a collection of fine arts, works of archaeology, decorative arts and sculptures that come from the effort of the real collecting and of the men of the Enlightenment and of the French Revolution.

His opening was a milestone inside the history, since one thanked to the transfer of the collections deprived of the monarchy, the aristocracy and the Church. It was a precedent that determined a way that, later, many European museums continued and of the United States. The building that lodges the Louvre is the ancient real palace of the Louvre, constructed in the XIIth century and embellished then with Renaissance enlargement and of other more late expressions, and it is completed, from 1989, with a construction that turned symbol: a modern crystal pyramid. This way, the Museum of the Louvre opened his doors for the world more than two hundred years ago and, from that one then, without doubts a visit to Paris will not be finished without a step along these galleries.


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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Museum Emilio Caraffa in Cordova

Where the avenue Yrigoyen finds with Square Spain, Emilio Caraffa appears the monumental building of the Museum. This Fine arts museum had several stages. His opening was in 1916 and it was designed in neoclassic style by the Hungarian Johannes Kronfuss. Later, in 1962, it was extended, and in 2007 him another building of 1938 joined. The connection is a giant metallic structure of covered laminated profiles of glasses that offers to him to the interior of the museum big luminosity.

In the principal entry there is a thematic bookstore and snack bar and, as it is promoted, nine rooms interconnected by translucent bridges appear. In this museum there are the most valuable hereditary collections of Cordova, which date back to ends of the XIXth century. This cultural place tries to be a laboratory of contemporary art opened for the exchange and for the debates, where month a month there happen tens samples of the highest artistic level.

Useful information: Av. Poet Lugones 411. Tel.: (+54-351) 433-3414.

Schedules: on Tuesday to Friday from 10 to 20 and Saturdays and Sundays from 10.30 to 19.
Holding a permit visits: on Tuesday to Friday: 12,30; on 16,30 and 18,30 Saturdays and Sundays: 12, 15,30 and 17,30.
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